Friday, June 25, 2010

Old Spice 2010 Ad: The Man Your Man Could Smell Like

My mate just showed me this and it made my day, so I thought I'd share it with you lovely people. (:
By the way, I am currently dressed like a pirate.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

My heart belongs to Frankie.

Oh hey you beautiful people, this is me and my new copy of Frankie Magazine which came out yesterday. I made a special trip into town to get it this afternoon because I can honestly say that this magazine makes me happy, which may sound a little sad, but I do believe if you got your claws on this magazine you would understand.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

tea time?

I am in desperate need of a good cup of tea right now, and a good book. Or just an oppertunity to have a bit of a break.
Maybe just looking at this cup of tea will be able to satify me, but I have an impression it just won't do.

Being rebel

I have just learnt that I can use tumblr and blogspot at school, which I find a little bit exciting, although I know I will never achieve anything ever again in religion.
I would like to say you do not have to worry about me being gone, it turns out we have been able to organise a slight overlap between the old and new house in regards to internet, which means I will not be deprived from this beautiful site. ;D

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

My darlings

I will be absent for the next few days as a result of not having the internet while we are shifting houses.
I will miss you all quite terribly, but just know, I will be back as soon as humanly possible.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Change is better than a holiday, I hope.

I get to start decorating my new room tomorrow, I have so many things to put up. Putting up my three maps are what I'm most excited about.
I just cannot wait to start making the house a home, and smelling less like disinfectant and more like coffee, rose hand cream and old books.
We went to my new house today, now that it is officially ours, with Tommy-arse and we walked into town. The fact that the walk is only about ten minutes makes me very happy.

Friday, June 18, 2010

The Cops - Call Me Anytime

I'm a little tea pot


This tea pot is so cute. I would keep it to myself and never let anyone use it without my permission.
Sometime I really do wish I could have little tea babies. Words cannot describe how intensely I love tea.
By Aëla Labbé

I would do anything right now just to fall into a heap and have someone carry me to bed and be there when I woke up in the morning.
I feel a little bit lonely today.

derelict houses.

By 彡erlingsi

I'd hate to live in a world where everyone was perfect. How freaking intimidating.
Not to mention especially dull.
I think the most beautiful things are the most broken.
Like old, derelict houses and the cracks in walls.
Unlike new "estates" where each house looks the same as the last. I swear those places are soul numbing.
But eventually the breaking things break forever.
I'd rather be the crack in the wall.

Thursday, June 17, 2010


I am pretty sure I need this blouse in my life, right now.
It is so beautiful. I am in love with the 1800's Victorian style collar.
It reminds me of Colin Firth as Mr Darcy from Pride and the Prejudice, happy memories, I must say. ;D

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Here I dream...

I obsess over these pillow cases every time I go into Remedy one of my absolute favourite stores, with the most friendly service. (:
They read:
"here you will dream of endless kissing" and
"here you will dream of people you you admire exposing your fraudulence."
I am absolutely determined to get them, even if they are $60.
They will be so perfect in my new room, in my new house, which I get to start moving stuff into this Sunday. I am rather excited.

Don't get sad, get mad.

I think people just get angry because they are scared.
Because it's easier to be angry than it is to doubt.
And it's a hell of a lot easier to blame others than to blame yourself.
It's just a theory.
And my opinion doesn't count for much.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

I swear, if I could be anyone it would be Jackie Brown. This is one of my favorite movies and I think she is absolutely amazing.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

I have a religion exam in just over an hour, and if you ask me, my religion text book is about as blurry, waffly and vague as a fogged up window. I don't understand how I am meant to take this seriously as a tertiary enterance subject.

Sweet D and Big B.

This is me and one of my best mates, this picture always makes me giggle a little bit, because it pretty much sums up our friendship, I do not know how he puts up with me.
This was taken when I went down south with three of my friends at the beginging of the year. I cannot wait till I am out of school, in about four months! Hopefully I'll be able to make trips like this a much more regular occurance.

First Post

This is a little bit exciting.
I'm so used to tumblr that I feel like I am betraying it a little.
It's almost cheating.
I feel like there are so many things I cannot say on Tumblr, and I'm a little bit sick of people asking questions about my posts, because I end up saying things that I would never say in person to people that I know and follow me. So fuck it, I'm cheating on tumblr. Hopefully it will forgive me and we can continue to have the beautiful relationship we have had for the last five and a half months.